Week 5 Lectorial: Documentary Portraits

In today’s lecture, we were given the new project brief which is to create a two minute media portrait of someone in our lives. I’m pretty excited to go out and create something and play with the equipment we need to be using for this project.

Since this project is about documentary portraits, I thought I’d link this video by British Youtube creators JacksGap, which is the first part out of a series called Following Heart. It follows quite a conventional documentary style but I love with way it is shot and the little details it captures. I think the voiceovers work really well in conjunction with the clips and gives a good idea of the subject’s passion for music. It’s very simple and doesn’t use any elaborate cinematic techniques, but I think it’s effective and hopefully I can create something similar with more of an abstract, artistic twist to it.


Hello! I'm Jess and I like pizza and marathoning TV shows.

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