Project Brief 2

Not gonna lie, this ‘document yourself’ thing has been freaking hard. I’ve always been an introvert and much happier behind the camera rather than in front of it, and talking about others rather than talking about myself.

Nevertheless, I’ve managed to piece together my 1 minute self portrait. The idea behind this video is that a person is not necessarily defined by physical, tangible facts about them, for example their age, occupation, height, race etc. Someone’s personality is more based on the little quirks that they have, their passions, and their environment. In this video I’ve tried to capture bits of my everyday environment, my hobbies, and my wildly terrible tendency to procrastinate every important thing I have to do by scrolling down Tumblr.

I feel like I’ve done relatively well in making this video have kind of a whole circle feeling and not just have it be random clips strung together disjointedly. However, it was especially challenging for me to figure out how to incorporate video and photos smoothly without them feeling separate from each other and without it feeling like just some videos and then a photostory. The way I’ve linked the photos is saying that I see moments like snapshots on a camera, because I’m always the person that sees something remotely cool looking and instantly whips out my phone to take a picture. Although despite having technically fulfilled the criteria of the task, I feel like I’ve cheated a little bit because the photos are similar to the videos. Here’s hoping next time I’ll have an epiphany and figure out how to incorporate both smoothly whilst having them be separate things.

Anyway, here’s my edited self portrait:

Project Brief 2 from Jessica Xiao on Vimeo.



Hello! I'm Jess and I like pizza and marathoning TV shows.

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