Assignment 1

Week 1 Reflection Week 2 Reflection Week 3 Reflection Practical Filmmaking Task Observational Writing 1 Observational Writing 2 Observational Writing 3 Observational Writing 4 Observational Writing 5 Observational Writing 6

Observational Writing 4

Going to a film festival was an interesting experience. The film that was screened that day was a Tibetan film made in 2000. Though the film was in Tibetan, the audience were deeply moved. Sitting at the front make it easier to observe the reaction of the audience. The majority of them were focused on the film and it was…

Observational Writing 3

My friend Ivy moved in a new apartment and she invited me and a couple of our mutual friends to come to her place and have dinner. The other friend of mine, Kris, took charge of preparing all the food as he’s really passionate about cooking. The way he managed to cook while chatting to us as if it was…

Week 3 Reflection

In this week’s studio we learned more about focal length and depth of field to strengthen our comprehension on cinematography and to have a better grasp on using a Sony EX3. FOCAL LENGTH wide field of view – short focal length/ 5.9mm (FISH EYE) standard focal length (25mm EX3) narrow field of view – long focal length/ 81.2mm (Telephotos) DEPTH…

Practical Filmmaking Task 1 The first clip is a static high angle shot from a long distance with a focal length of 12.5mm, focus of 30 inches and an aperture of f16. I liked that there’s some plants at the foreground because it gives out a sense of relaxation and I think there’s something poetic about it when they’re blown by the breeze.…

Week 2 Reflection

In this week’s studio, we touched on more basic knowledge of Sony EX3 in order to have a better grasp on cinematography. The viewfinder could be unreliable sometimes as it might display the image unauthentically because of the brightness and contrast are not correctly set. Therefore, it’s fairly important to calibrate these settings prior to filming to make sure the…

Observational Writing 1

When I was on my way to class, I was overwhelmed by how many people there were around the campus. I noticed there were new students who were very lost and couldn’t find the right building for their class and had to ask someone for directions. i was one of them two years ago today, I thought to myself. I…

Observational Writing 2

I went clubbing with my friends on Saturday. I spent 2 hours getting ready and they run out of patience eventually and started blowing up my phone. But as a nonchalant person, I couldn’t care less about it. I think there’s something about keeping people waiting that i found so delightful about. It’s probably because it made me feel extra…

Week 1 Reflection

-EX1- For the interview with Liv, we did it at a place where i thought there’s a good combination of several sources of lighting. Though the lighting is mainly from above and left of the camera, it still illuminates the subject’s facial structure clearly. I decided to go with a medium close up because that’s what i thought an interview…

Assignment 4

Vimeo Link: Through this semester’s studio, I acquired a better understanding of the whole process of filmmaking in regard to how things are put together and I also got the chance to put my knowledge on lighting into practice. The group dynamics was very nice and chill, which absolutely made the process a whole lot easier. I like how we…

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