Category: Media 5

Assignment 2 Pt 2

Observational Writing 11 Observational Writing 12 Observational Writing 13 Observational Writing 14 Observational Writing 15 Observational Writing 16 Week 6 Reflection Week 7 Reflection Week 8 Reflection Simple video piece Advanced video piece

Simple Video Piece & Reflection For this voice over task I thought I wanted to a little Terrence Malik kind of thing. The narration in his films are usually what makes the plots more confusing and hence creates this style that make people feel like “I understand but I don’t understand”. The thing with Terrence Malik’s signature style is that the narration usually has…

Week 8 Reflection In this ‘What’s in my bag’ interview, the framing is really good. Though there’s several times in between him taking out things, the framing goes off and is looks messy but the majority of the time the subject is framed at a MCU, CU or a MS. I feel like the interview should done with him sitting down, taking…

Week 6 Reflection

The short film Passionless Moments that was shown in class was rlly interesting. The narration in the film is descriptive of the character’s movements and what the character is thinking, using the god’s eye view. This technique gives out a surreal feeling because usually we have no idea what the characters are thinking unless they voice over for themselves. The…

Observational Writing 12

Helping my friend to film her assignment was one of the scariest filmmaking experience I’ve ever had. We went the Queen Victoria Market to film for her adapted observational writing that took place at a coffee store there. The filming was going pretty good until a big bulky man with enormous facial hair came up to me. He’s wearing a…

Observational Writing 11

I went to the Aquarium with my boyfriend during the weekend and saw a couple with 2 kids at the shark section that were really interesting. They appeared to be tourists and were carrying backpacks. The kids were running around looking at sharks very excitedly and the little girl who looked like the older child asked her mom to take…

Week 7 Reflection

I have two observational writings that could be potentially adapted into films. The Night club one and the McDonald’s one. Both of them have the theme of social behaviors, which I’m very keen to make into films about. But my concern is that both of them could be hard to film due to their locations and the amount of actors…

Week 5 Reflection

In this week’s studio, we also did an interview on a chosen topic within the group. I happened to be the interviewee, though it’s Monday morning and I really didn’t want to because I felt like I wouldn’t be able to form a complete sentence. I was nervous and I was unprepared. But it sort of is the point of…

Practical Filmmaking Task 2 To match the images to Jackson’s observation, we went to the Royal Botanic Garden to film. When filming the POV shot of the snake, it was like the hardest hot i have ever tried to film. Because i wanted to create the crawling in the grass, i had to lay the camera really low, but if i let it…

Week 4 Reflection

In this week’s studio, we asked a group member to read out his observation and did a short interview on the content.  We chose Jackson’s observation for its detailed description on the snake and the deserted lake’s surrounding. Wt thought it was very interesting to hear about the nature and it’s quite different from the rest of our observations. We…

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