Category: Media 5

Studio Website Content Based on an observation by Lyreca Corloncito Brief: When the catch up goes wrong… Speaking to someone online versus seeing them in real life is a concept that is baffling to many individuals such as myself. My plans to meet up with a friend I rarely see but speak to online happened on a Wednesday afternoon. Brunch was the…

Assignment 3 Pt 1

Week 9 Reflection Week 10 Reflection Week 11 Reflection Week 12 Reflection ‘Hand Cream, Please’ ‘Awkward’

Week 9 Reflection

In this week’s studio, we practiced on tracking shots. The scene is called ‘Late Menace’, in which a girl who’s late for the class for 25 mins and chats with everyone before she gets to her seat. That sounds really familiar to me except that when I rock up late, I just greet Robin with grace and quietly go to…

Week 12 Reflection

Since week 12 was the filming week and the reflection on that will be in the projects’ individual posts, I’m going to reflect on the studio in general and my experience with it. As someone who’s really oblivious to the surrounding and the real world, I find this studio helpful in a way that makes me realize that there’s so…


 The hardest part of the production was battling with the weather. The second we started filming it started raining and we had to wait. During the production the sun was in and out and screwing up the exposure quite a few times and there’s nothing we could do but wait. The inconsistent lighting of the outdoor environment was a…

‘Hand Cream, Please’

 I worked as a cameraman on Liv’s film. From that experience, the hardest part was to track and movement and also adjust the focal length. In the first shot of the film, the focal length had to be quickly, smoothly shortened as the actors were walking toward the camera. Because we were aware of the difficulty of it, we…

Advanced Video Piece & Reflection I think in this short video the essence of the observational writing has been conveyed. It is easy for a viewer to get the idea of the boy simply cannot be bothered to talk to a person to order at when he hears the voice of the staff asking if anyone is ready to order and only flicks his…

Observational Writing 16

I was having lunch with a friend and we were sitting on a bench at the Flagstaff garden. My friend accidentally let go of the tissues and the wind blew them away. She put down her sandwich and got up and started chasing them. A girl who was passing by saw that and got all excited and shouted ‘YES GIRL…

Observational Writing 15

I saw a homeless man when i walked past My 80 several times. My friend told me that he has been begging for money there for years. He’s wearing a very dusty black jumper and had no shoes on.  He got up from his spot and put the subway sandwich that was probably given by a pedestrian into his pocket.…

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