Category: Workshop

Week 4 Workshop – Some Notes

Work attachments: some starting points RRR,PBS WTFN Entertainment DOTF (Dept. of the Future) Any organizations that require volunteers (ASRC, The Smith Family, OXFAM) RMIT Media Facebook Page Blogs: what elements should a ‘good’ blog post include – Apt titles, introduction of topic – Presentation: – Blog theme – Other media elements (images, GIF) – Format the text – Writing with…

Week 3 Workshop

In today’s workshop we finished off the Haiku exercise and Jeremy displayed several examples including my video. People literally laughed at how bad my haiku was and I didn’t even try to make it funny hahahaha it’s just a very bad Haiku that I came up with in 5 mins. And gladly, I got some feedbacks on my work by…

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