In this comics created by Scott McCloud, a concept of ‘Closure’ is established to the viewers. Closure is how the brain works to connect one scene to another or one panel to another. McCloud concluded that there are several types of panel-to-panel transitions that would appear in comics: Moment-to-Moment Action-to-Action Subject-to-Subject Scene-to-Scene Aspect-to-Aspect Non-sequitur It is quite hard for me…
Category: Media 1
Week 3 Initiative – Tough Times w/ RMITV (1/3)
So I applied for a couple of projects going on in RMITV and I got accepted into a talk show called ‘Tough Times Don’t Last’ with Michael Kuzilny, who is a crime lawyer that sits down weekly with guests that have been through a difficult time in their lives. The purpose of the show is to share experiences and inspire…
Project Brief 2 – Final Video & Reflection & Further Improvement
PB2 has been the most complicated creating process I have experienced my whole life. It was not the editing, filming or creating soundtrack that was hard, but rather the process of putting them all together and work as one. It went wrong with so many things along the process but eventually they were fixed after millions of thoughts. I started…
Week 3 Lecture
This week’s lecture was very fun as it was about filmmaking and editing which is what I take interests in. As a student who is majoring in cinema studies, I paid extra attention to this week’s lecture. Liam introduced us the ‘Kuleshov Effect’ that was elaborated by Hitchcock in the video. The Kuleshov effect is a film editing effect (montage)…
Week 2 Lecture – Some Notes & ‘Noticing Media’
In this week’s lecture we talked about the definition of media and ways of approaching/analyzing/thinking media. Some Notes: Moving away from this model of media and communication Sender Medium Message Receiver mass communications tradition: -assumes a fairly linear one directional flow -behavioural or effects model (influence of psychology/ marketing) -technology/institutions more important to study…
Week 4 Reading ‘The Clarity of the Craftsman’
THE CRAFTSMAN MINDSET VS THE PASSION MINDSE the craftsman mindset focuses on what you can offer the world. “Nobody ever takes note of [my advice], because it’s not the answer they wanted to hear,” Martin said. “What they want to hear is ‘Here’s how you get an agent, here’s how you write a script,’ … but I always say, ‘Be…
Week 4 Workshop – Some Notes
Work attachments: some starting points RRR,PBS WTFN Entertainment DOTF (Dept. of the Future) Any organizations that require volunteers (ASRC, The Smith Family, OXFAM) RMIT Media Facebook Page Blogs: what elements should a ‘good’ blog post include – Apt titles, introduction of topic – Presentation: – Blog theme – Other media elements (images, GIF) – Format the text – Writing with…
Week 4 Lecture – Some Notes
COMMON FEATURES OF STUDIO LEARNING often emotional-pleasurable and painful problem framing and solutions emergent curriculum activity-centric (but these vary across studios) – many projects/bigprojects individual/group projects relatively student-centred uses learning spaces differently reflective practive interactive making process critique research/inquiry-led Brian introduced an article ‘In Defense of the Lecture’ Studio-style teaching vs lecture-tutorial -> not an EITHER/OR but worth thinking about…
Week 3 Workshop
In today’s workshop we finished off the Haiku exercise and Jeremy displayed several examples including my video. People literally laughed at how bad my haiku was and I didn’t even try to make it funny hahahaha it’s just a very bad Haiku that I came up with in 5 mins. And gladly, I got some feedbacks on my work by…
Week 2 Workshop
Class note: Why do we have discussions? Creative, we’re making through discussion as its a type of media Shared knowledge, experience Collaborative exercise Exploration Help with Assessment Group presentation Feedback: It’s good to have some comments on my posts. I was told that those videos, audios and photographs were very basic, simply telling how I live my life. They suggested…