Category: Initiative

And another one!!

Hey I hope you have not gotten tired of my face yet. But bare with me if you have because I honestly need to practice my skills on myself before I take photographs of anyone else. I need to develop a proper relationship with my camera before I go further with others elements. So this time I decided to use…

So here comes the second shoot.

So yay here’s another photoshoot. I took these a week after the last one and I decided to go natural haha. They look kinda horrible to me but I’m going to stay honest with you because I really want to document the progress of my skills. The set up was pretty much the same as last time, with a desk…

PB3 – Pre-production

So here’s some plans that I made during the pre-prodction period of the shooting. I’m going to be interviewing a friend of mine from high school – Austina. To start off with the questions, I decided to think about her personalities and her hobbies and all that stuff that resembles her. We were very close in high school and still…

Week 2 Initiative – Thoughts on ‘Split’

I recently watched a film called ‘Split’ that was very impressive. ‘Split’ is a thriller film starring James Mcavoy, who is one of my favorite actors of all time. His performance is ‘X-men’ series and the Scottish film ‘Filth’ was absolutely extraordinary. In the film ‘Split’, James plays a man who is diagnosed with Dissociative Identities Disorder, meaning that there…

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