I noticed that recently there’s more people from whatever organizations that would stop you and ask you to donate money for their organization. They have increased the number and there’s no way to make it to class without being stopped by them. I was stopped by them a couple times and pretended that I was going to somewhere in a hurry. They seemed just weirdly cheerful to me and knowing their intention behind those commercial smiles I always tried to avoid them at all costs. Whenever I saw there’s people who were stopped by them apparently for the first time I just thought ‘wow I once looked this stupid hahaha’. The majority of people were like me, trying to walk past them as fast as possible. making absolute no eye contacts and if were approached, just pretended that they were in a hurry to go somewhere. I mean, if you have a morning lecture and have 5 deadlines waiting for you, you really wouldn’t be in the mood for that.