In this week’s studio, we also did an interview on a chosen topic within the group. I happened to be the interviewee, though it’s Monday morning and I really didn’t want to because I felt like I wouldn’t be able to form a complete sentence.
I was nervous and I was unprepared. But it sort of is the point of an interview if you want authenticity. As an interviewee, I found it kind of hard to remember the question because I would just go off topic and start following my own thoughts and expand on them. And the interviewer has to take control of the situation and bring it back to the questions. So the whole interview was kind of just me talking and at one point I completely forget what I was supposed to be talking about. It’s super hard to keep track on what I’m thinking and speaking knowing I was being filmed. Next time I feel like it’s fair to give the interviewee a bit of time to think about the topic that they’re going to be asked about.
Because we didn’t have enough time, the interview was taken in one shot and there’s no other types of shot to intercut with. Though we filmed some close ups of my feet dangling by the chair and some shots of me browsing at the food counter, there’s not interview shots to cross-cut. WE should have gotten a medium close up to add to the variety of the shots.
What could be improved upon is that next time we have the interviewer prepare some questions beforehand and the interviewee prepare what they know about the give topic. And the production team has to come up with a series of shots that will be as cutaways shots that could be filmed before the interview to save time.