Week 3 Reflection – Lenny’s Sound Edit

Before this exercise, I thought recording sound that syncs perfectly with the visuals could only be done in a foley room with the visuals playing on the screen. When I tried to sync the sounds to the visuals, Miraculously, they all fit quite well and there’s no awkward dislocations where the mouth is moving but there’s no sound or the other way around. It still shocks me that without looking at the actions/movements when recording, we could still make them sync like they’re recorded while filming.

Still, some of the flaws of the syncing are obvious to see. Lenny’s sneakers sound like high heels when he’s running. When Lenny’s untying his shoelaces the sound gets a bit ambiguous because it’s not perfectly synced. But I guess the whole point is, with the foley sounds that we recorded later, the quality of the soundscape has been hugely improved and it gives the audience a better experience while watching.

For the film that I made in BOX, there was zero consideration for the sound. We used our own cameras to film and I used After Affect for noise reduction and remember I did a little bit of foley on my part when A. is pulling out the cord that she’d used to charge herself. I literally just recorded the sound of taking the cord out of my iPhone and it worked very well. But apart from these, the quality of the audio for the whole film was kind of average. For the short scenes that I made in FILM LIGHT, we did use boom mics while filming but still the audio was kind of weird here and there (because someone messed up the position of the boom mic) and we just didn’t think about recording any foley sounds on set or in post production. But after post-production the audio turned out to be okay.

Here’re the links to the stuff I made w/ friends in FILM LIGHT if you want to compare the audios:



Out of all the experiences that I’ve had with sound. The exercise that we did this week was the most advanced methods of making quality sound and I can’t wait to apply it to future works.

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