Week 4 Reflection

The filming today was super energy-consuming but also immensely fun. We started a facebook chat last Wed and planned the roles beforehand so everyone would know what to do when they come to the set.

It was very sunny outdoors so we spent quite some time on finding a location that was shaded. We filmed it on building 10’s rooftop area and found a table next to the handrails where there’s a bit shadow. It was my first time acting so I probably looked like an idiot on the camera and my hair was oily because I forgot to wash it the night before but the crew were so sweet and kind-hearted and told me that I looked gorgeous. During filming, my head had to stay still through out all takes, otherwise, part of my face would be in sunlight and that would create inconsistency. Acting is a new experience for me, it’s kind of nice knowing what to say and when to say it, it helped with my anxiety. 

We spent a lot of time on filming the first exercise so we could only film scene 7 of Exercise 3. I was the bounce board person and there isn’t much to say about that, all I needed to do was hold it still to make sure the reflection of lighting on Brews and Kris’ faces was steady.

For the editing of scene 7, though we didn’t get all the shots done, I managed to put the clips together according to the order in the script. I substituted the missing shot with a plain black frame and the corresponding part of script embedded just so the story has coherency. The whole point of the script is when Emmaline turns to the window as the sun comes out, but when we’re filming in such a hurry, I guess we all missed out on that bit. But apart from this error, everything looked great in the final edit. When I was editing I imagined that the film should be incredibly dreamy and lighting is always soft and velvety to portray the innocence of children so I tried to make it mellow in color temperature and slow in pacing. I hope the audience could feel the relaxing and worry-free ambience.

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