Week 6 Lecture – Notes & Reflection

Mr. Paul Richard on:

How to be a Media Operator or 
How to be cool and Not a tool


Location Release

Insurance & Legals

Location (get there 1.5 hrs before setting up)

Performance Release (sent beforehand and signed after the interview)


Nightmare (a combo of all the above probs)


Serendipity is the effect by which one accidentally discovers somethings fortunate, especially while looking for something else entirely


  1. Paul RIchard – ‘Being a Media Operator’
  2. Project Brief 3 – some notes and examples
  3. Privacy – doco and today’s reading

Brian showed us some examples of the past students of RMIT.


Episode 3, ‘The Cost of the Free’

The Virtual Revolution BBC1

Google provide the users with more targeted advertisements to increase the revenue.

Gmail as well. They send you ads you might be interested in bases on the words you use in emails.

But they do inform you when they collect your info like how and when they’re going to use it.

Visit a car site, get car ads. Visit a travel site, get travel ads.

In short, Google use Personalized ads to increase the revenue without annoying people too much.

This week’s lecture articulates the problem of lack of privacy on the Internet. People always presume that the Internet and the information on it is free but in fact, it’s trading your private information to companies who are in need. I’ve experienced what’s in the documentary and it was absolutely annoying. I felt like I was constantly being watched by someone who was eager for my privacy. But in the current situation where Google is the most dominant in the market, there’s not much we can do about it. I don’t think I’ll quit the Internet just because someone is using my information to trade.


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