Yuhan JIN


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Week 6 Reflective Writing  

In this week’s class, we learned more knowledge of film. we mainly study the influence of the different focal lengths of the lens for depth of field. different depth of field can bring us what kind of images look like,… Continue Reading →

Week 5 Reflective Writing 

Montage is a film editing technique in which a series of short shots are sequenced to condense space, time, and information. The term has been used in various contexts. In French the word “montage” applied to cinema simply denotes editing…. Continue Reading →

Week 4 Reflective Writing

According to last three weeks. We have been learned lots of technical stuff about film making and more logical things. I quite like the way to analyze different films and different scenes. Mr. Robin explained lots of detail of camera… Continue Reading →


Week1 Reflective Writing Week2 Reflective Writing Week3 Reflective Writing Descriptive & Analytical Writing

Descriptive & Analytical Writing

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HinhHx5zSOE&ab_channel=AitorMartin I just search Leonardo on Youtube and then this video shows up. and I think that is the one I want to talk about after I watching it. This scene felt like a sense of relief, He kidnaps a… Continue Reading →

Week3 Reflective Writing

  This week, we learned 180 degree rules. Which is a cinematography guideline that states that two characters in a scene should maintain the same left or right relationship to one another. When the camera passes over the invisible axis… Continue Reading →

Week2 Reflective Writing

I did not attend class this week. Because I got another training class in Beijing. I went to Beijing last weekend. But I am sorry that I did not tell Mr. Robin about that. That course in Beijing is film… Continue Reading →

Week1 Reflective Writing

What do you understand this studio to be about? First of all, I quite like this quote: “Through segmentation, the script or the written the assemblage of visual ideas ceases to be literature and becomes cinema.” (Luis Bunuel 1928). A… Continue Reading →

Assignment 3 Reflection

Over the course of small things, I have learned a lot. Half of the second year has finished. I am grateful for the skills I have developed over the semester studying Making script and film. I believe the creative and… Continue Reading →


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