Could a different approach to the learning of filmmaking – working through a series of projects inspired by prompts and guided by constraints that investigate different facets of film production – elicit better outcomes?


Through an iterative cycle of learning, making and reflection you will develop your competency in production techniques and your analytical skills will become more refined.

You will be viewing and analysing other’s work in parallel with planning, shooting and editing small projects in and out of class time. Each project will be inspired by a prompt and/or a constraint.

You will develop the technical competencies required to work through each of these projects. This will deepen your knowledge of each of the facets of film production and how they work together. The methods of collaboration and production will be designed as we progress through the semester. There will be time for discussion and feedback back from staff and your peers. Outside of class time you will you will be researching, reflecting and writing on the issues each of the projects gives rise to.

The second half of the semester you will initiate your own series of film projects that will be small and contained. This is the reverse of the usual film school model of loading all of your eggs into the last week mega project and smashing them all together into a dissipated mess.


Paul Ritchard lectures in film production and is a member of the nonfiction lab and the Screen and Sound Cultures group at RMIT University. His PhD is titled THE RIVER PROJECT A Poetics of Eco-Critical Film-Making where he is producing a series of films on rivers. His work is guided by his principle of making film that treads lightly on the landscape both literally and figuratively.


He has made 13 short films; two of which have been festival finalists. He worked on Matrix Reloaded and Matrix Revolutions.


Paul has also played in many bands during the last twenty years including Crow, Mississippi Barry and Odette. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for your studio needs (bookmark and subscribe) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for your production needs (bookmark and subscribe)

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