About the Assignment

For Assignment 3, students will work in small groups to devise non fiction project work which they will later produce. The work may be a standalone short documentary (of 5 minutes or less duration), a promotional video, a photo essay, a podcast, an electronic press kit (EPK), a live music video, a transmedia experience or some other approved activity. Whilst the studio content and class exercises up until this point will have focussed on non fiction video production and photojournalism, there is scope within the unit to create a radio/audio or transmedia artefact as part of this unit.



Due in class in WEEK FOUR A  (Mon 26th Nov / Tues 27th Nov)



Students will attend a pitch and proposal session and present a 4 minute pitch. Students are encouraged to present five slides (using Powerpoint, Prezi or similar) and cover the following four topics:

  1. What is the topic of your work?
  2. What are the characters and location of your work?
  3. What textures (or pieces) will your work be made of?
  4. What is it you wish to document and/or persuade us to believe by making this work?
  5. Who is the audience of this work? How will you make this work suitable for their consumption?



Additionally, students are required to digitally submit one of the following options to the Google Drive folder ‘A3 Submission’  (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.during class time.


Option One

The pitch slides as a single PDF, a one paragraph synopsis, a one page treatment and a project timeline also saved as a single PDF. These should be uploaded into a folder named after the working title of the project in the Google Drive folder ‘A3 Submission’.

Please put the title of the project and student names as a footer on each page of the synopsis document. 


Option Two

The pitch slides as a PDF, and a one paragraph synopsis, a project timeline and four pages of annotated visual references/test shoots (or similar), also saved as or embedded into a single PDF. These should be uploaded into a folder named after the working title of the project in the Google Drive folder ‘A3 Submission’.

Please put the title of the project and student names as a footer on each page of the synopsis document. 

Submitting your Assignment

In the Google Drive folder ‘A3 Submission’ students will create a folder named after their project title and upload a copy of their pitch slides and proposal document (either OPTION 1 or OPTION 2). Students will paste the URL link to this Google Drive folder in the online entry form on Canvas.