I did not attend class this week. Because I got another training class in Beijing. I went to Beijing last weekend. But I am sorry that I did not tell Mr. Robin about that. That course in Beijing is film color grading training. It is a color grading company that is corporate with Dolby Digital. And they are the best film color grading company in Beijing and China. I did enroll in this course very early and I want to improve myself. The class took 9 hours per day for one week.
After this, I did check my email and have a look at the clips. I asked Esther what we did in class. She is very nice. She told me everything we did in class. This week Robin talked more about the lens. Different lenses have different angles of view, range of angle, and focal length. And also we get different deep of field. We need to know what we gonna use during one take. Also before we filming things. We need to know how many characters going to preforming in one scene. What lens we gonna need to use. And in what position we need to set the camera. ect.
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