An analysis of the corridor glance clip from the film ‘In the Mood for Love’ (

This clip is a depiction of how two people who are attracted to each other share a glance at a corridor. This has been done by using a narrative technique. There is no audible conversation throughout the clip. All the shots have been made with a somber mood soundtrack. This clip has been made in a hotel setting. The hotel seems like it is situated in the back streets of an urban area, and its entrance was a set of steps down a corridor. From the nature of the equipment, cutlery and people in the hotel, it seems to be a hotel with cheap food. The clip starts with a close-up shot of the food flask that is being carried by a woman who seemed overdressed for the hotel setting.  A tracking shot was done as the woman went down the corridor steps into the hotel. The woman buys the food and leaves immediately. She seems to be uneasy in the hotel. In another tracking shot, a well-dressed man also comes into the hotel. The man seemed troubled as he ate the food served. In the final shot, we see a combination of the two scenes to show how the two met in the corridor and shared a brief glance.

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This scene has been done in a hotel setting where two people appear to be on a date. The two people are alone in the hotel. The two people are having a conversation in Cantonese, but their conversation has been translated using English subtitles. This use of the Native language creates authenticity in the scene, as one can tell which culture the characters wish to portray. There is a slow soundtrack that further builds upon the mood of the scene.  This mood is also accentuated with sounds from cutlery, which portray the anxiety and nervousness of the two characters. The scene begins with a long shot of the couple, after which the medium close up of the two actors is interchanged as each of them speaks. This style is common in other Asian films, particularly if the producer wants to draw attention to the conversation being held. This has been done to clearly show their emotions during the conversation. As the scene goes on, a pan is briefly used twice, in order to move from one actor to the next. This helps in building up on the suspense of the scene especially when the two people are discussing interesting things.