Overall, I learnt a lot about group work with this project. Group work is always challenging; our group always managed to find time to meet, we have good communication. I feel proud of the work we have put forward. It was a great learning experience and certainly one I would do again. I really enjoyed this course and found that I got a lot out of it. I learnt a lot during this semester. My experience of the course overall was enjoyable. At the start of the semester I set out to learn new skills and gain a deeper understanding of the media industry, and I believe I have a achieved this. I enjoyed the various projects and wide range of hands on activities we were able to partake in this semester which made the learning process a lot more interesting and engaging. It allowed me to experiment with varying technology forms and experience what it could be like to work within the industry, in relation to concepts, briefs and deadlines which gave me a more realistic expectation. In terms of the overall course experience, I believe I learned a lot about various media platforms I had not considered myself capable of using, such as documentaries. Reflecting on my first reflection I believe I achieved many of the objectives I set for myself. I have become more confident in the expression of my ideas, gained more insight into various media platforms and I have certainly expanded my knowledge of camera, film and editing software’s. I have used the weekly write ups as a tool to reflect and improve on my work, and I have found the course very enjoyable and helpful for my future media endeavours. I found my expectations subverted; whilst I had assumed a fully hands-on experience, it was interesting to first delve into studies and theories for greater context prior to using equipment, something that could potentially pay off in future ventures down the media route. Although I found the earlier assessments a little lacking in creativity and specific outlines, this was made up for in part by a more difficult assessment which was aided by the format of a group assignment. Ultimately, the course was a mixed bag, both rewarding and frustrating, but I was pleased it finished on an eye-opening note to potentially increase my already-present interest in the media field.