week 7

How does the film show the characters’ emotions?

Among the numerous ways that films are able to show the emotions of character is through the use of sound and different shots. As highlighted by Igartua (2010), music has the unique ability to represent the emotional states of characters, evoke a specific emotional response from the audience or suggest a scene’s prevailing mood. An example is provided byFischoff (2005), who claims that the use of loud sound combined with a broader frequency can be used to amplify fearin horror movies like Wolf Creek(2005). Additionally, the author claims that music can also be used to amplify certain emotions in a film by being incongruent with the on-screen moment. For instance, the scholar provides the example of the Jaw (1975) horror film where a characterscreams in terror, while the music at the background is at low pitch. Heimdahl et al (2016) also highlight that the type of shot applied is also another useful way of expressing the emotions of a character and conveying different tones in a scene. I order toexpress passion or warmth, the author highlighted that scenes begin with a dramatic pause, where the audience suddenly becomes aware of the romantic music increasing in volume in the background. This is accompanied by a close-up shot of the face of the character to offer a vivid description of the prevailing emotion.

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