
The Grand Budapest Hotel is a really interesting movie, this movie has a unique way to tell the audience an amazing story.  This story used a painting as an important prop throughout the whole movie.  Monsieur Gustave made a lot of effort to get this painting, finally, he gets this painting, and also get a huge wealth, but in the end, he died under the gun of the soldier. This is not a very complicated story, but director uses an amazing Photography technique, comfortable screen composition, and unique color matching to connecting one after another clue. Zero is a really interesting role in this movie, at the beginning of this story, he just a bell boy, but in the end of this story, he received Monsieur Gustave all the estate. As an audience, I’ve been to the audience’s point of view Angle to see, but most of the time, let’s surprise film surprise twist and transformation, there are a lot of unexpected we deal with in the movie.Human is a sense of security for a familiar, so when we are faced with a new film, we can look forward to changing, because the breakthrough familiar have insecurity is an unknown pleasure but at the same time.So we would like a new movie.

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