The Grand Budapest Hotel is a really interesting movie, this movie has a unique way to tell the audience an amazing story. This story used a painting as an important prop throughout the whole movie. Monsieur Gustave made a lot of effort to get this painting, finally, he gets this painting, and also get a huge wealth, but in the end, he died under the gun of the soldier. This is not a very complicated story, but director uses an amazing Photography technique, comfortable screen composition, and unique color matching to connecting one after another clue. Zero is a really interesting role in this movie, at the beginning of this story, he just a bell boy, but in the end of this story, he received Monsieur Gustave all the estate. As an audience, I’ve been to the audience’s point of view Angle to see, but most of the time, let’s surprise film surprise twist and transformation, there are a lot of unexpected we deal with in the movie.Human is a sense of security for a familiar, so when we are faced with a new film, we can look forward to changing, because the breakthrough familiar have insecurity is an unknown pleasure but at the same time.So we would like a new movie.
Monthly Archives: August 2017
week 3 Crazy Cameras, Discorrelated Images, and the Post-Perceptual Mediation of Post-Cinematic Affect’s reflection
Crazy Cameras, Discorrelated Images, and the Post-Perceptual Mediation of Post-Cinematic Affect’s reflection
After thousands of years the film is full of strange irrational cameras – physical and virtual imaging equipment, does not seem to understand their status in terms of death and non-essential reality, and therefore can not place the audience in a coherent audience. This is a place that is out of touch with the classical cinema style, but it is also important to focus on the phenomenological relationship between the camera as the material scene and the contemporary image. So the aiming is to update the mystery of the camera’s film theory using Don Ihde’s intermediary device’s groundbreaking phenomenology to reflect the recent shift to Steven Shaviro being considered the “post-film influence” regime. Many of the images in today’s films are “unrelated” with the specific interests, perspectives and phenomenological abilities of human characteristics that point to the rise of a fundamental post-perceived media system in which “content” is in the broader human activities and the relationship of financial Provide the algorithm function.
An analysis of the “Irrational” Phenomenon of Contemporary Madness. For example, the virtual camera contradicts the “realism” effect, does not disappear, perceives the real-time illusion, but by simulating the “physical” presence of the non-camera camera in the “simulated” shooting scene, while the real (non-virtual) Inspired by ubiquitous, aesthetically unrelated cameras, surveillance cameras, satellite imagery, and automatic vision systems in smartphones – are increasingly filling and transforming our world of life; therefore, they can not escape from their objects , And clearly distinguish between death / non fiction, fiction / fact or real / virtual areas. In short, the crazy camera is deeply enveloped in an expanded, indiscriminate expression of the image, more than the photographic or emotional “object” of the capture. These cameras and the use of their films, processing and circulation of non-human ontology – led to the contemporary image and human perception of the thorough interrelated.
week 2
Cinema, Trance and Cybernetics’ reflection
In the process of making a film or documentary, which need to provide a visual habitat for the plot’s character / participant. This is an important investment for the audience because it determines the viewer’s view, what are the main meanings of their feelings and their views when they are seen. In addition, it is a door leading to the ideas and ideas of the director or creator, and it is trying to convey some words directly to its audience. There are several ways to achieve such an environment, for an art project, I think the following is the most important:
Use the right lens: When we talk about the lens, we need to consider how we look at the real world, and how we capture it through the lens. In order to achieve this, there are different types of shots, and each gives different rendering results, but also has a different personality. For example, wide-angle or fisheye lenses have the ability to cover most of the landscape in the frame, which means that the movie or your photo will look more natural. When we are making the documentary art project, we have to consider what kind of lens we want to use, for example, when we are carrying out an interactive installation, including many objects working together and working with the same space in the other elements interact, we need a camera with a wide-angle lens to show everything as a whole.
Light and color: lights and colors can have a strong emotional impact on the audience, and the film photographer takes most of the time to work here, which is the best result. There are different types of light, but also to the different feeling, effect and color. A good light arrangement to make things read, in other words, it can give the effect of solid and exist, and an object or role of the three-dimensional form to convey to the audience. Secondly, it makes the whole thing look real and credible. A credible image is inherently consistent, and the balance of light is inspired in real life. For example, if there is a beam of direct sunlight into the room, the audience wants the sun to be brighter than the lamp. In addition, some other goals are to keep the continuity between the different shots, to guide the audience to each scene in the important view of the audience, and the audience placed in each lens specific mood.
week 1
数字图像处理是计算机科学应用中非常受欢迎和快速增长的现场工程。其增长主要来自数字成像,计算机处理和技术创新以及大容量存储设备。传统上,使用模拟成像的领域现在正在切换到数字系统,因为它们的易用性和可承受性。重要的例子是医疗和视频制作,摄影,遥感和安全监控。这些源产生非常大量的数字日常图像数据,可以手动检查。基本上,图像处理可以被定义为通过计算机处理二维图像。图像处理的结果可以是与图像相关联的图像或特征或特征的集合的结果。大多数图像处理方法将图像作为二维信号处理,并实现标准信号处理技术。这个目标操作可以分为三类。首先,输入是图像,图像处理也是图像; 其次,输入是图像,输出图像是尺寸或测量值。理解最终的图像,其中输入是图像,输出是描述图像的标准。图像处理科技领域的一些重要应用包括计算机视觉,遥感,特征提取,人脸检测,预测,光学字符识别,指纹检测,光学分类,演示现实,显微成像,车道偏离警告系统,表征,医学图像处理和形态成像。
“考虑到警察机构摄影机”2015年, 哈佛法律评论,128,6,第1794-1817页
I chose a video and audio, the video there are a lot of park scenery and trees and grass. There are a lot of close shot of the video camera, the details of the lawn, the trees early in the morning, the mist with filar silk. The camera has a strong sense of emotion, trees, and the grass will be quiet, under the fog with horror and mysterious atmosphere, the streets of a lens, it upwards to a huge tree, turning dark tonal, there is a stench of the evil cult. Glass show sometimes like a person’s eyes, when the Angle of the lens and eye level, makes us feel more deeply on the image, the lens most here relatively right, don’t use too much skill clips, it shows a thick natural breath all the time, but the light fog and bizarre branches lets a person as if place oneself in the forest, the forest of the unknown feeling is the most primitive human fears. I use the whole video electronic sound for the primary key because the frequency of sound with terror can let a person have a kind of mystery, but no particular stimulate the senses. Because of the presence of the background of building and the characters, animals, to increase the flavor of the reality, I joined some of the life’s voice: clock, in the early morning streets, and the dog, the cat, the sound of water. Although the voice is life, a single brief view, instead more have a sense of stimulation. I don’t like the feeling of terror, but I like to bring the audience into the state of a Lenovo, through the voice of the detail, give some scenes of Lenovo. This is my favorite way. I make the audio use premiere, I put some pure sound to the overlap, reached a new sound. People come from natural, evolutionary process is long, but there were some human lives on once the subconscious, people like to eat potato chips, for example, because human when chewing potato chips, potato chips broken voice is like the voice of the animals to chew bones, the sound can stimulate the human brain nerve, the sound is addictive, cause the body instinct reaction. Of the bell, meow, harsh voice, the signal danger, naturally there is a breath of terror.