Tag: Technology

Week 11 Initiative Post – Multimedia Technology and Education


Nowadays, one of modern teaching devices called multimedia have been brought into public concern, and the heating debates are right on their way. Some people hold that multimedia technology is necessary and significant to education. Besides, I also agree that multimedia has made great progress with its contribution to education community.

There are reasons accounting for my view. First, multimedia provides more ways and wider resources for students’ learning. Compared with the traditional teaching model, multimedia allows teachers to spread knowledge in a more flexible and optional way. Second, motion pictures, slides, and cards are used as training aids, which will raise students’ interest and help them to be more concentrated. Therefore, with the help of multimedia, our learning will be more effective and efficient.

On the other hand, this technology might distract students’ attention sometimes, but I think its advantages far weight than its disadvantages.

In short, I consider that multimedia technology has a great contribution to teaching. Here, I advocate that all schools should try to use it in teaching and introduce more advanced technologies to improve our education.