Tag: PB3

Feedback on PB3

  • Jennifer: Jennifer create a creative theme. She’s project has a good point and clearly to see the dramatic turning point. However, some footages are not very suitable in her videos. Maybe she can cut a little bit down.
  • Jialun: Jialun’s project has a creative idea, which the interview is on the train and in the restaurant. It is real natural feeling interview. However, there is no footages in the project. And the interviewer’s conversation is in Chinese in whole video, it did not make a lot of sense to audiences.
  • Vicki: Vicki’s project’s theme is very clearly. However,  the interviewer’s conversation is also in Chinese in whole video, it did not make a lot of sense to audiences. And all the interview is in one place is a little bit boring.
  • Hazel: Hazel’s project is really nice. The video’s theme is clearly, but the dramatic turning point is not clear enough. I really love the tone of the video, bright and sunny feeling.