Tag: PB2

Project Brief 2_Media Self-Portrait

PB2- Self-Portrait video <My life>:



Reflection to Project Brief 2:

From my PB2 video, i wanna present my daily life and my hoppy. When i start design this video, i still confused about the audios, then one idea came out and i hope it works. I combine the photo and the sound together, but when i done this work and edited it, i find that it is real boring if you just look the pic and hear the sound. So i  wanted to do some background music, and i use apple’s app Garageband to do it. It’s the first time i make a digital music, it’s real excited me when i finish it, it sounds not bad with the videos.


With the whole videos, i edit with a lot of software, such as Premiere and iMovie. I take the videos with iPhone app Meipai and Miaopai. These software let me show what i want to show to the audience through the video. And i still need a long time to more familiar with these softwares. For example, when i want to show the audience the picture and videos, i can have a dot point text on it and let audience know what i wanna present. And with the combination of music and other materials, the video attracted to audience more.

The most successful part for me is the background music in my own opinion, because it is a first time production and sounds not bad. The least successful part for me is the whole video is still not so creatively.