Category: Week 8


Because one of our PB4 idea is about pinhole camera. When i search the resources about it, i found it is really interesting. So i just search some way to do it by myself.

I use the pinhole camera to take photoes of plants around us, such as plants in the university, around the cafe and even on the road.These plants i took are all very normal plants,not very beautiful. Plants are very important for human being.However, some of us still destroy them. I want to show that we should take care the plants around us  and protect them. Plants which even very tiny and not beautiful as flower is still important. They help us to breathe fresh air. And the huge plants, such as trees even can keep out wind,rain and sunshine for us. I shoot these normal plants because i wish people to respect every plants’ life especially  some normal ones. 

Week 8 Initiative Post – Library

This week, we learned how to use online library to research the resources. Actucally i have a long time did not go to library before study in university.
The library is the most important part of our university.Marking a proper use of it will certainly help you very much in your study.Now,look at the diagram below.To the right of the doors there me shelves with a lot of current periodicals.The new issues are so arranged that the students can see the covers of the current magazines.Daily newspapers are also in this area.There are eight comfortable chair and two tables for the student reading newspapers and periodicals.The card catalog is in the middle of the room just in front of the doors.The cards are in alphabetical order according to the title of a book or periodical,the author,and the subject,which makes it easier for the student to find the book they want.www.joozone.comThe major part of the room on the left is another study area.Beside four tables,all books are on shelves in order.The shelves are called the stacks.This library has open stacks so that the students can look for books themselves.If you want to borrow or return books,the librarians at the circulation desk will he at your service.If you want to photocopy some good articles from books,you can go to the leftmost end of the room.The photocopy machine in the corner will do it for you.

Week 8 – Workshop

For this week’s workshop. We discussed our PB4 more:

Narrowed project statement:
Exploring what/who are the major influencers and how they afffect trends and relationships
between technological gadgets and online platforms
Brian suggested we define project statement more specifically
Changed project statement:
To document how accessibility of camera has changed out use of it
Established Objectives:
How has changes in the physical camera expanded its functions and types of users?
Established sub-topics:
– History of processing photos
What are the specific events in evolution of camera?
E.g. pinhole camera, digital camera, etc.
– Photography’s expanded functions
E.g. photojournalism, fine arts vs perosnal self-expression, photography business
Delegated Work:
– Significant changes in photojournalism
– Photography as fine arts vs personal self-expresison
– How photography business has evolved

Week 8 Reading – Annotated Bibliography for Project Brief 4

Hochman, N & Manovich, L 2013, ‘Zooming into an Instagram City: Reading the local through social media’, First Monday, vol.18, no. 7.

This article talks about users’ experiences of production, sharing, and interaction with the media they create mediated by the interfaces of particular social media platforms. How they use computational analysis and visualizations of the content of visual social med to study social and cultural patterns. How they visualize this media on multiple spatial and temporal scales. In this paper, author examines these questions through the analysis of the popular mobile photo–sharing application Instagram. First, we analyze the affordances provided by the Instagram interface and the ways this interface and the application’s tools structure users’ understanding and use of the “Instagram medium.” Next, we compare the visual signatures of 13 different global cities using 2.3 million Instagram photos from these cities. Finally, we use spatio–temporal visualizations of over 200,000 Instagram photos uploaded in Tel Aviv, Israel over three months to show how they can offer social, cultural and political insights about people’s activities in particular locations and time periods.