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  1. What is the ‘controlling idea’ (Robert McKee) of your portrait? In other words, what is the most interesting thing about your participant/interviewee that you want to communicate?
    The interviewee’s Uni life.
    The most interesting thing is his love of coffee,when we talked about coffee. He has a lot of words to say. It’s really nice to see the interviewee happy to talk about the questions interviewer ask.
    How is your portrait film structured? (Remember there might be multiple forms of structure employed) E.g. Discussion and depiction of an event or process? A Journey? Use of voiceover narration? Other?
    I structured like deep the question more and more
    What do you want your audience to make of your interviewee? (e.g. What are you saying through them and/or human nature, human folly, or noble human inspiration?)
    I wanna show audience as a normal international student’s life, it’s a really common group in Melb,but most of people not really familiar with this group.

    How is your portrait being narrated? Why? How does it affect the structure?
    From the beginning,it’s just like someone is because some simple reason to study in Melb,but with the time past. He become really enjoy life in Melb. It develops deeper.
    What role will the ‘found footage’ play in your portrait? For example, reinforcement? Ironic counterpoint? Contrast? Comparison? Other?
    Does your portrait have a dramatic turning point?
    Yep. Actucally we are talking some high pressure study.But then we use to relax in this situation to turn to the entertainment part.
    When does this turning point in your portrait and why? At the beginning? At the end? Two-thirds through?
    At the last part.
    How does your portrait gather and maintain momentum?
    They gather pretty good and throughly.
    Where will your portrait’s dramatic tension come from? The gradual exposition of an overall situation? A volcanic, climactic moment? An impending change or crisis? The contrast between what the interviewee talks about and the found footage?
    The gradual exposition of an overall situation. ctucally we are talking some high pressure study.But then we use to relax in this situation to turn to the entertainment part.

    10. Does the portrait have a climax and/or resolution? Outline them.
    I think it is the recreational activities part and the end part

Week 6 Initiative Post – Character

Character is a habit which build by human’s custom.Just as a saying goes:Sow an action,reap a habit;sow a habit,reap a habit;sow a habit,reap an character. Apart from the guid of our parents,we observe the world and do our choose when something happened,then our character was built gradually.

You may know the following words of the motto just mentioned before.Sow an character,and you reap a destiny.It’s our character makes us who we are,what’s more,our character influenced our mental attitude and happiness does not depend on any external conditions.It is governed by our mental attitude,such is the importance of the character.

So how to develop one’s character? As far as I am concerned,we should attach great importance to build more good habits.and when something you don’t like happened,change you attitude first when in no way can you change the result,don’t just complain,then you will be better day by day.

Last but not least, if you are lucky enough to be different,don’t ever change!don’t give up,just be yourself!Because life’s too short to be anybody else.

The High Popular of Sherlock Through Media

If you talk about the British drama, one of the dramas out of your mind must be “Sherlock”. I think Sherlock is a good example of the popular culture. It is also my favorite drama. With BBC drama Sherlock started from 2010, it attracts a lot of people around the world. The average viewing rate is around 30% in British. In my hometown China, all of three seasons Sherlock totally receive nearly hundred million click rates from video websites. The high number of the audience shows the Sherlock is really popular.

Mass media spread information quickly to the general public, and influence them. Mass media including newspapers, magazines, books and other machinery printing media and electronic media such as broadcasting, television, movies, network. The application of mass media, expand the mass culture of the public domain and the object and scope of the mass culture. To use modern mass media, made into batch production and transport a large number of information for the audience is an important characteristic of popular culture. When the Sherlock viewing rate is high, it will more often appear on mass media like newspapers, radios and Internet to talk about this drama. It will appear into people who do not even watch the drama. A lot of people do not see Sherlock, however, they may hear about this drama because it’s high popularity. And because it’s plot and storyline is good, and after one season finish, a lot of people will discuss what is going on in next season. The huge number of discussions from audience even affected to the editors. Sherlock’s high media exposure and huge heat rate is because it’s comes of a popular drama.

Project Brief 3

  • Written reflection:

The Project Brief 3’s idea is about the normal university life in Melbourne. The concept maybe too simple. However, as an international student it is really hard to interview someone with a dramatic story. Most of person around us is international student. And because of this, to do the normal university life of international student came out of my mind. Actually, a lot of people do not know the lifestyle of international students because of the cultural differences. So I decided to do this theme in my project brief 3.

Raymond Wang is my best friend. I interview him because he is a really hardworking student. However, his life was not just studying. He plays after study as well. I know my video seems really simple, but normal people can also have a amazing life. I think I should explore more about unusual life part to other people. It will show the character more obviously.

I think i should not to put the questions on the video exactly. At first i do this is because i want it look like a really interview or something we normal see on TV. But it seems too fomal to put the questions on the screen.

And i use the Cannon SLR and H2N Zoom during produce the footage. Because it is the first time i use SLR to shoot videos, it seems not work very good. The quality is not quite good, maybe the data of SLR i set in wrong way.

The most successful part of my project brief 3, i think is the whole theme is very clearly. It’s all around the interviewee’s University life. Before i start interview, i have structured the theme and details with a few days. And i communicated with my interviewee many time to gain some ideas. I have a really deep know of him these days, i try to involve in his life these days. That’s the reason that the final video will show his life style in University throughly.

I think combine the footage is really important, neither the found one or not. It can create a  lot of nice ideas. At the first draft of my project brief 3, it only have some normal interview (just a interview with a person with nothing). And while i adding some found footage, i thought that the footage let my videos more creative and interesting. Then i start to think that i need some more footage. And i go with my interviewee to his school and his home. And these let my videos look more creative and attractive.

While i’m doing project brief 3, i always flash the news which i’ve seen in television out of my mind. I just recall how did they do and it also give me a lot of ideas. And every idea i’ve thought will have a deep press in my heart, and it is easy to use in the future works.


Week 5 lectorial- Interview

From week 5’s lectorial we studied the “Interview is an art”. It consists of several parts in an interview. For example, an interviewer should ask open-ended questions instead of close-ended questions with the aim of letting interviewee has more idea to talk about. If an interviewer keep asking close-ended question, it may give interviewee a sense of ending the talk as soon as possible. Furthermore, it is important to think about the place to have an interview because other elements such as light, sound and background will directly influence the quality of an interview. As an interviewer, a lot of things I need to pay attention. For example, I should ask myself some why questions before the interview. It will give me a clear structure and how to conduct the interview. During the interview, eye contact is another important aspect. Eye contact will give interviewee a sense of acknowledge and feel comfortable. I should also accept the opinion of idea held by the interview, stand as a flexible person. When the interviewee move to something, match the theme of the interview, I will pay more attention on this point and have a in-depth talk. Overall, as a interviewer, I need to pay attention on external elements and internal elements at the same time and try to be flexible to have a good talk with the interviewee.

Week 6 – Workshop

In week six’s workshop.We discuss the ideas of our project brief 3.

My Project Brief 3’s idea points:

Title: University Life


I wanna do my project brief 3 with some footage while the interviewee in the school and at home.


In week six’s workshop, we gain the score of project brief 2. It is quite lower then i expected. It let me notice that my language problem in writing. And the video should be more creative and attractive. And  the music which i made did not noticed clearly in the end of pb2 video, it is really pity to lose score like this kind of reason. I will avoid some mistakes i’ve made while during doing project brief 3, trying my best to do some more creative things. And increase my language skill with more practice. Actually, blog is a really good way to practice my normal writing skills.  I will keep going.



The problem we met is because we take the videos outside, so the audio is really in a noise environment. And we higher our voice and edit to remove the noise by Adobe.

Actually the whole interview part are quite successfully, except the audio part. We structure the interview quickly, and shoot throughly with the good ideas and order. We change our ideas and combine them together as a team work. It is really quickly to done all ideas if in group. That’s the importance of group work.

The sony MC50 is really good to take a video, but it’s sound record function is not good as H2N zoom, so which kind of environment to use it is really important. I would like to use it in a quiet place if i use in project brief three.


My favourite place on/near campus to grab a coffee/bite to eat …

The most big problem we faced is because our first language is not English. While we are talking, sometimes we may forgot we are going to say and it let us should do it again and again. But sometimes a little bit thinking time is more naturally like a interview.

The most successful recording is in the cafe part, it has a really good signal that to a noise place.

The microphone H2N ZOOM which we use is really good to record the voice pretty clear even in noise place.

We setting “xy” level while we are recording, we try all of the mode. And we think “xy” mode is the most fit our environment’s way.

Week 4 lectorial- Sound

Nowadays,there are so many rules around us:School rules,public rules,traffic rules even rules to be a successful person.Therefore,much of us would woder that are these rules helpful for us?
The answer is some would but some not.Let’s guess what would happen if there is no traffic rules?Of course,people cannot control the road orderly and there must be lots of traffic accident.
But also,there are too many unreasonable rules to prevent us achieving goats.For instant,many company refuse to employ women because they think women are not strong and smart as men.It is a fause rule,but we cannot change it.
In a word,we should obey the public rules to make our life orderly,but if it is a fause rule,we should refuse it and respect our principles.

Week 5 Initiative Post – Journalists

A reporter, especially a good reporter, we have to obtain basic knowledge learned in school as well as professional spirit. As a professional journalist, the following abilities need to be obtained, namely, continuously learning, persistent pursuit of the truth and objective and so forth. A good journalist is not a innated body, even not formed by a culture. It can be said that culture is the base of to be a qualifed journalist, but nuturing and training are the most important aspects to be good journalists.                                         As a professional journalist, the basic requirmen is to collect information and news and generarize them together, forming a group of information. Based on that, utilizing smoothy language to express the idea and convey true and fair information to the audience. Furthermore, becoming a qualifed jounalists is a process of moving from quantitative goal to qualitative goal. A qualified jounalist is trained and experenced heaps of events and practising their skills through the events. After that, their ability can be used smoothly into each event. Overall, a qualified journalist is not only experienced a lot events but also pay a lot of efforts to be a qualified journalist.