Week 4 – Workshop

In week 4’s workshop, we’ve looked other students’ project brief 2. Other peoples’ works provide me a lot of new ideas and senses to make and edit a video. Learning from other peoples’ projects, I found out my flaws and advantages in the video. For example, the theme of my video did not express clearly throughout the video and extent of creativity did not exhibit enough.
I’m not a person with high ability to be creative. To begin with, I should make clear of the concept of innovative capability. It means I should figure out things in a new, original or advanced way. In respect to the advantages, the fluency and consistency of my video is standing at reasonable high level.
In this week, we also use the H2N Zoom and to practice a interview. It is a good start with our project brief 3. When I first get the h2n zoom, I found its hard to manipulate because this is my first time to use it. After trying several times, I get how to use it. I arranged a time with the interviewee to have a sit at seven seeds. We talked about the leisure time the interviewee will usual do and his preferred place to grab a drink. It’s a nice opportunity for me to learn interviewee’s life and understand new things.

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