Month: March 2016

Project Brief 2_Media Self-Portrait

PB2- Self-Portrait video <My life>:



Reflection to Project Brief 2:

From my PB2 video, i wanna present my daily life and my hoppy. When i start design this video, i still confused about the audios, then one idea came out and i hope it works. I combine the photo and the sound together, but when i done this work and edited it, i find that it is real boring if you just look the pic and hear the sound. So i  wanted to do some background music, and i use apple’s app Garageband to do it. It’s the first time i make a digital music, it’s real excited me when i finish it, it sounds not bad with the videos.


With the whole videos, i edit with a lot of software, such as Premiere and iMovie. I take the videos with iPhone app Meipai and Miaopai. These software let me show what i want to show to the audience through the video. And i still need a long time to more familiar with these softwares. For example, when i want to show the audience the picture and videos, i can have a dot point text on it and let audience know what i wanna present. And with the combination of music and other materials, the video attracted to audience more.

The most successful part for me is the background music in my own opinion, because it is a first time production and sounds not bad. The least successful part for me is the whole video is still not so creatively.

Haiku Exercise

My Haiku video:


Morten Paulsen

An island song
Like a floating river
Rain Rain Fall Fall

Week 3 Workshop Reflection – Haiku Exercise and Blog

This week’s workshop, we’ve talk about the Haiku exercise and the blog.

The Haiku exercise videos present in class is pretty cool. One is about raining, and the other one is about people. The videos are composed from simple videos we took in University, but with the haiku poem is meaningful.

And in the class, we look each other’s blog. My group member’s blog is pretty nice. One of my group member’s blog is all about the media stuff he read and created. It is real amazing to see a person who is really love media and good at it, and it encourage me do better in this subject. One of my group member is have a great passion on a TV play. Although i never seen this before, from his words i can feel her passion and love in this play. And it makes me want to see this TV play also.  It’s nice to share this happiness through the words. We point out each blog’s good and which part can improve more. I think it’s blog’s charm. And after this activity, i view more other students’ blog. It is really enjoyed.


Week 3 Initiative Post – Movie

From this week’s activity such as haiku and pb2, i started to learn about how to making short videos and movies. From week 1,  i watch 2 or 3 movies a week, and write one review per week.  And it make me have more interests in movie, and I start to know more about movies.  Movies have become popular in modern world.They are one of the most important components of entertainment industry. Movies can satisfy most people’s creation need and serve as meanful approach for learning more about the society.For instance,they can introduce other culture by bringing movies into one country.Nowadays,movies play an important role in transmitting culture.The influnce of Hollywood is widespread all over the world. Movies are usually produced by professional company and actors or actresses.Most of movies reflect certain culture or try to introduce certain idea.Thus,they always educate people to better understand both themselves and other people. In general,it is necessary to choose high quality movie to enlarge our horizon. Watching movie is really helpful for me, and write a review makes me understand more about the movies.

Review on I Am Legend

I Am Legend is talked about, in the ruins of New York city in 2012. Robert Neville who is a military scientist who is the lone survivor of a biochemical disease which was supposed to cure cancer 3 years previous.With only blood thirsty zombies as his neighbors and his trusty dog,Samantha,Robert is trying to discover a cure for this disease and to find out any other people who might have also survived.

Men break the rule ,and the god punished men by illness horribleness and’s common in such films advocates The end of the word. But there is something new in this film.I caught the feeling that i dreamed about sometimes.A whole city was left and others were disappeared,so everything belongs to me only.I am not so crazy,in my dreams i just want others disappear,not die.But at least ,the dreams come ture.Then you would find that you still could not enjoy the absolute freedom.The city belongs to you in the daytime,but belongs to ghost in the evening.Daytime always make men feel safe,and absolute freedom is not exist. At the same time,all the thing you get lost their meaning.The only thing you can do is searching others,others is the world.Your life and dreams based on this world.

Week 2 Initiative Post – Advertisement

This week,  when i do the activity “media is everywhere”, i found that there are lot of advertisement. Most of media we found in mall is advertisement , so i wanna talk about something about advertisement.Advertisements can be seen everywhere in modern society. Not just only displayed  in the mall. They appear on the TV screen. They occupy a conspicuous place in newspapers and magazines. They are displayed even on buses. Indeed, it is difficult nowadays to find a public place without advertisements. It is true that in economic activities advertisements play an important role. They tell people about new products and help promote sales.The advantage of the advertisement is self-evident. They provide us with a good collection of goods and service, from which we can make our best choices. For the manufacturer, they can take advantage of the ads to project the characters of their products so as to seize the vision of the consumers and gain them huge profits. Unfortunately some of the advertisements are not true. They cheat consumers one way or another. So, admitting that advertisements can help us, we should also beware of them from time to time.

Review on The legend of 1900

This week , I saw 《The legend of 1900》and it gave me a deep impression . When 1900 was a baby, he was abandoned in the ship. Since then, he never left the ship. His talents on piano made him welcome. After defeating the black jazz musician, he became more popular. But he was so afraid of getting off the ship that he gave up his love for a girl. His friend Max wanted to persuade him to leave the ship because the ship would be exploded. It did not work. A tragedy could not be avoided. In the end 1900 sank to the sea along with the ship. Although the storyline was weak, the great piano music was good enough to make it uncommon. I particularly like the following scene. When 1900 played the piano for Max, he created different music for different people with different action and expression. The amazing place was that the music was so appropriate. That was the most interesting part of the movie. Take a piano. The keys begin, the keys end. You know there are eighty-eight of them, nobody can tell you any different. They are not infinite. You are infinite. And on these keys the music that you If you like piano music, you should not miss it.

Week 2 Workshop Reflection – Project Brief 1 Presentation

In the week 2 workshop, we do the project brief presentation in the class. This project is really hard at the start when i do. I think it is hard to present a exactly theme with these materials and without describle and editing. After i see all the presentation in our group, i found that we all have no a exactly theme. However,  we all do the project pretty well, my group members are all very creative. They present a lot of interesting material, such as the drama they performed, the music they created and the musical instrument they played, etc. And lot of us do the cooking audios, the audio part is the most difficult one. Because it is hard to let someone to listen a long audios with no editing, and you should have a creative idea to choose a good audio. The cooking one become our groups hot material is because it is the daily thing and have layers of sounds. It is easy to catch audience’s ears and know what you exactly do. A lot of daily things you want to present in audio, but it is hard to let audience understand. So it is important to show something different and not boring. In the group presentation, i learned a lot of materials we can use or how can we use. And it is real helpful to our project brief 2.

Week 2 Lectorial Reflection- Editing

In the week 2 lectorial, we’ve learned about editing. First, we define what is editing. We know that it may combing elements and create new things or fixing something. Editing is very important in media. When you edit media such as film, you can lead the audience to what you want to show more easily. For example ,  when i do the project brief one, i think this is harder than project brief two. Project brief one can not editing with anything and just present what you exactly the videos, photos and audios. If you do not with editing, it is hard to let people know the theme you want to present. However, if you use the same materials with editing, it is more easy to show the ideas of yourself. So, i think editing is really important. Then, we just learn some basic ideas of editing from the experts.Edward Dmytryk said that never make a cut without a positive reason.  And Walter Murch also said people should think oes the cut reflect what the editor believes the audience should be feeling at that moment? Does the cut advance the story? Does the cut occur at a moment that is rhythmically interesting and ‘right’? These elements are all we should pay attention when we do a cut. Every cut is every important in film or other media, because if you do a bad work it may shows to audience totally a different story and audience even can not understand or misunderstand the whole things.

Project Brief 1_Lofi Media Self-Portrait


I love cooking ,and this is i’m cooking at home’s sound.

Everyday i need use computer keyboards,no matter typing or gaming. So i just record the sound when i’m gaming.

I really love Chinese ancient poem. Here is one my friend read, the title is <Praising West Lake in the Rain>
and here is the translation:
The brimming waves delight the eyes on a sunny day,
the dimming hills present rare view in a rainy haze.
West Lake may be compared to the Lady of the West,
whether she is richly adorned or plainly dressed.





This is the video which the way to my apartment from uni, and stop at my destination.

I love coffee, and i also enjoy making coffee!

I love singing and playing piano, but i haven’t got piano in Melbourne. So it is the first time i try to playing music game and singing as well. Actually, it is very difficult ! really! It takes me a long time to take this video, because i always take some mistakes. However, this video is still not look prefect.I  think it’s a really good example for hyper attention,and i’m bad at it,lol.





From these media materials, i wanna show the daily life and my favorite things to you guys. I enjoy my life very much and I would like to share these with you.Everything that happens is a life lesson.