It was already 8 pm. Once-crowded Building 80 was growing quieter. My friend Kira and I were preparing to leave the building as well. At the moment when the elevator door was nearly closed, we heard the rapid steps and then immidiately pressed the open button. A man ran into the elevator, pulling a small suitcase. He wore a black t-shirt and tied his coat in the waist. Why was he in this building? He seemed like just come back from the trip. Kira was sharing her hand cream with me when the man said thanks to us. He looked at the hand cream for a while, pointing at it and said again, ‘Can I have some?” Kira and I looked at each other in surprise. She then squeezed some hand cream on his hands. “My hands are really dry, thanks”, he answered. Then the elevator door opened, we didn’t say goodbye and walked to the different directions.