In the Monday class of week 7, which means half of the semester has passed, I agree this is the time to translate our observations into films. To be honest, I don’t know how to describe the filmic potential of my writing at the beginning and Robin’s examples help a lot. When writing these short pieces, I’ve had some images in my head, so the point is to show them to other audiences in words before they being actually filmed.

So far, my most favourite observation is still the market coffee shop. Firstly, I will discuss two possible styles for the cafe one. 

  • Vlog: 

At my first visit of this cafe, I filmed a short vlog by iPhone. Vlog is a comparatively personal style that aims to share or introduce some interesting information in everyday life to people. So, in my opinion, it could suit this observation. I plan to film it from the first-person perspective which means this is what I see, and the video will cover the whole process from ordering to finally holding the cup of coffee. 

Planned shots: my finger points on the menu from a high angle, staff takes the order and operates the computer, a medium long shot of numbers of baristas working in the shop, a close-up of the one who is making the filter coffee, grinding coffee beans and preparing the filter paper, an extreme close-up of water pouring on the powder and falling droplets, back to medium shot of the barista cleaning the table, and at the end a close-up shot of my hand holding the coffee.

  • Food Show / Ads:

This observations also reminds me of those travel show that introduces the local delicacies. Compared to vlog, this form will be more formal and commercial, and focus more on the cafe than my personal experience. The content could be more substantial than the original writing, such as the background information about the shop or even some short interviews of staffs. This may be difficult to realise in practical shooting but is an interesting filmic possibility to think about.

Planned shots: an environmental shot of the dairy hall, pan to the metallic sign ‘Market Lane Coffee’ on the wall, a medium close-up shot of delicate packaged coffee beans and some equipments, a three-five sentences interview of staff introducing the shop and coffee beans (based on the information I searched on their website), 2-3 close-up shots of baristas’ hands operating different machines (like the vlog one depicts), (optional) a short interview about how they feel to work here or their passions of making coffee, some close-up shots of their expressions or they talking to each others, a long shot of customers waiting in a line and their smile when drinking the coffee. 

In comparison, vlog is closer to my original thought. However, it has the same problem as the observation writing — shouldn’t be too personal like a diary.  Vlog sometimes lacks the sense of storytelling which may be boring because it’s only meaningful to the subject but not to all the audiences. Now, adding more creative elements to the film is the most significant point for me to develop. The film should not only maintain the daily life and ‘intimate’ atmosphere but also open to general audiences.