Film Festival

At the beginning of this workshop, we watched some fabulous works from other classmates. The ‘Ballet Dancing’ one creates a magical and suspenseful feeling which is really cool. I didn’t volunteer to show my work…It was still a bit nervous to show my work on a big screen. When I watched my work over and over, I found the background music was kind of weird, and didn’t match the video that much. Hope I will do better for the interview task.

Interview Practice

We went to the first floor to borrow the equipments to do an interview practice. The camera was smaller than I imagined, and it contained a professional microphone to record the sound. Liam showed us how to use the tripod which surely helped our group in later’s shooting. We needed to form a four people group to do an interview about “how do you survive for your first week in university” and two members could be the interviewees. First, we were confused that how could we shoot this interview to make it professional. We went to the old gaol and found that RUSU were holding an activity. Unfortunately, we were refused to interview one of their staff. To start easily, Cindy and I planned to be the interviewer and interviewee. I came up with a few questions, such as “How is your first week going?”, “Have you done any university study before?”, “Why did you change your major?”. I knew that she had changed her major so I could do some preparation to compose my questions. Liam came to adjust the camera angle and we got the idea that we should shoot the interview twice from each point of view and finally edit them together. The 180° rules can create the feeling that we two are talking to each other follow the switch of the camera.

It was quite interesting when we understood the skill. Even some of our members wanted to buy this kind of camera to shoot interviews during their free time. The experience of using tripod and camera raised my interests of doing an interview.

This is the screenshot of our interview video: