Remarkable One-shot MV (OK Go)

Regarding to Single-shot videos Brain had shown us on week 6 workshop (as an exercise example), I want to discuss another incredible one, a music video by OK Go with you guys. Yeah… The same group as the MV with dogs, a 4 min video with 19 illusion tricks in total this time, being my favorite as I’m quite obsessed in illusions, with curious on their creating and filming process, that need a huge team to backup and numerous times of rehearsals. Since the remarkableness (and popularity I guess) of this MV, they had also made a specialized website to reveal the step-by-step making process in an interactive way.



Here’s the fantastic studio top video map that shows the location of each illusion, with a description, behind the scenes, and frame-to-frame photos if you had clicked on one of the numbers, as some of them might be not that obviously than the others (such as the Red Square because the camera moving pretty fast).


But… In terms of media, what’s the message they want to present us viewers through this video (or even don’t have one)? I think, one would be telling us how the wonderfulness of one-shot film could be, and to aware us the sense of accomplishment when we had finally done something that needs extraordinary efforts (that can also treat as a motivation). For example, the sense of accomplishment on one’s movie had become famous, or even your media project had got the HD… As a media student (or operator), besides the music video itself, the scene that attracted my attention the most would be: when OK Go’s crew came out from hiding behind the wall, and cheering for themselves after they had eventually made it. Which had reminded me of setting a goal on creating something marvelous that need completely planning in my future career, maybe a short series with shooting every episode in one-shot, or a film that set at the nearly future like Ghost on the Shell.


However, this kind of single-making video with fancy techniques might cause audiences focus only on the visual part of the MV, thereby overlooked on their song’s lyric, singing performance, arrangement an so on, other important elements when appreciating a music video (or they just don’t want us to indeed?).


Here’s some other interesting one-shot MV by OK Go, that could waste me all day on it if I want to get deeper into them one by one 🙂




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