Self-portrait II

Be Creative, but not just being Creative.

As creativity is pretty important in evaluating Media, or in anything, and it is one of my Aims on this course. However, I think only being thinking creatively is not that enough, other personality would still be vital in our lives, that’s the reason why I want to show that I’m trying to be thinking creatively, and expressing who I am in a more creative way, a more experimental way than usual. The video could be separate into:








For Unpredictable, I would like to start with my favorite song’s covered (used Highpass effect to reduce its frequency as not being too distinctive), showing that singing with music anywhere (with animated caption at corner) is one of my erratic hobby, and taking different shots in tram and train station, tells there’s no routine even in my daily transportation.



Here’s the animations that I had used for Unpredictable, following the ‘shaken’ camera movement, then disappeared and appearing again suddenly, with an unexpected, momentary flash for closing.

Next would be a short chapter of Playful, me playing a shopping cart when the way home, on a bumping road, accompanied by a ‘Playful’ text rotating and bumping effect, and a TV noise with static sound effect for the transition.



Following up with Nostalgic, a chapter that combining my previous notes from high school with photos about me, by extending the duration of a single Film Dissolve transition, and applying Divide blend mode on text to create a mood of reminiscence.



The last one is Adaptable, actually, these are shots I took for the PB 1, by using slow motion and time lapse function, aim to show how I could deal with things surrounding me eventually, no matter what those were, with text movement following the speed of clips, another kind of ‘Adaptable’, right?



Besides, In this first media project, I had finally realised that how Creative Commons music would be that hardly searched for, took a couple hours,  looking for a mood corresponding one, together with not to face copyright issue.


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