The News is a Joke: Week 10 Reflection

Due to the absences of a few group members in this week’s class, a team member and I mainly focused on completing the paperwork for the assignment. We decided that whatever script we have by Friday will be the final script we present in the live taping, meaning no more new bits were to be added into the script.

When doing the graphics on Thursday, I noted some points near the end of the script that could be adjusted in order to set the tone. Prior to this adjustment, the tone throughout the script is largely cynical and sarcastic, therefore, when we do arrive at the end with the call to action, the tonal shift may be too large. Therefore, I made the adjusted before the final call to action to include more reflective and sharp comments to set a serious tone. This makes the shift to the call to action more subtle.

In the studio, we had issues with the EVS footage not displaying properly in midst of the run-through. However, we just kept rolling, whenever an EVS footage was supposed to be displayed, we just cut between two cameras and continued on. Eventually, one of the techs were able to come in and resolve the issue, allowing all the EVS footage from that point on to work as normal. Ruth mentioned that if we were actually live, that would be the best way to resolve it. If a similar issue occurs next week during the live taping, it could result in jokes not landing due to no EVS being displayed for the audience. I think a good way to resolve this would be for us to stop recording when EVS is supposed to play, fix the issue, and then continue from that EVS. This would make it easier to edit together afterwards and would make the audience get the joke.


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