The News Is A Joke: Week 5 Reflection

This was a forming week for our prototype project as well as how we want the final project to look like. Firstly, the Hong Kong protest segment. Our initial idea was focused on parody, to mock the official coverage of the protests in Hong Kong by China. Along with this mindset, we came up with several gags that were akin to the Eric Andre Show. However, a team member reminded us of the bigger picture, and that our objective should also to provide our own voice, and to do so in parody can distort and/ or make it difficult to understand our message. Therefore, our current plan for the segment is more similar to a late-night show like John Oliver; doing so allows the moments of satire as well as the ability to insert our own voice.

I am tasked with creating graphics and footage for this project. During the Friday lesson, I found out how painstakingly annoying it is to move the graphics onto a template I made. This is very inefficient to do in the time we had before going live. Similarly, with the EVS footage, I initially thought it would be easy to have a background for the footage and then place the footage over the top whilst live. This would be difficult to do as well.

For the over-the-shoulder graphics, I prepared them beforehand in Photoshop so that they are already in the right position and can be placed directly onto the screen without any adjustments in Xpression studios.

Likewise, the videos were rendered with the background already included, so that playing the video is all that is required when live. However, one uncertainty I have is with the format of the videos. Ruth mentioned that they have to be in the .mxf format when I converted them in media encoder, the file size became 400% larger than their .mp4 counterpart. This makes me wonder whether they will work on the EVS machine.

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