Small Things Assignment 2: Colour Grading



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I wanted to experiment with a cooler temperature in the colour grading. I did this by firstly adjusting the Temperature slider under Basic Correction to -25. I also altered the RGB curves, specifically the blue curve so that the highlights have more blue. Lastly, I adjusted the colour wheel for the midtones towards blue.

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I followed the colour grading youtube video for this colour grade, however, the result was that the skintone had an unnatural feel to it. In the colour wheel, I turned both the shadows and highlights towards blue whilst the midtones I increased towards orange. I also blended some blue colour near the right edge of the screen.

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The was the first colour grade I did since I filmed the first establishing shot with my phone, the white balance for the rest of the clips did not match. As such, I used the colour match feature to match the colours for the clips. I also decreased saturation to 85%. For the colour wheel, shadows were towards the blue side, whilst the highlights were leaning towards yellow.


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