Reflection (Lenny Edit – Scene 1 V3 and Rough-cut V3)

  1. As expected, the Deliberate Film studio has already provided me with some very valuable set of skills and knowledge. As I stated in my initial post, I have the goal of becoming a more efficient filmmaker. Simple class and homework tasks have allowed me to brush up on previously learnt skills and also learn some new ones. Many of these activities have shown me ways to work in Premiere with more control over footage. The Lenny exercise was a great way to engage and play around with footage that was of a theatrical nature. This was my first time being able to work with fictional dialogue, with multiple takes. When I assembled all of scene 1 footage together, I was really happy with my work and thought that I couldn’t have done a better job. However, come the next class, we had a chance to analyse and view the work of other students. It was only then that I realised there were many more ways I could have approached my edit. This experience allowed critical thinking to assist my evaluation of my work. A scene as simple as Scene 1, saw me approach the footage with the goal of doing “smart edits”, however, after seeing the work of others, I realised that a simpler approach would have looked more slick. Embedded in this post is my 3 edited version of Scene 1 in the Lenny story where I did 3 cuts, which I later realised would have looked better in just 2. Following my cut from a wide-shot to mid-shot, I shouldn’t have made any unnecessary cuts back. It would have looked much better if i had let Lenny walk out of frame following the first cut to the mid-shot

2. Efficiency is something that I’m slowly gaining. With the music and edit exercise, I learnt that I could duplicate sequences and edit the same bits of footage differently WITHOUT HAVING TO DUPLICATE THE WHOLE PROJECT! I was extremely happy. From now on I will be utalising bins and sequences when compiling edits. Though this is only basic knowledge I should have had long ago, I am grateful that I now know. Embedded is my rough-cut version 3. Reflecting on this, I realise that I made a few strange decisions in this rough cut which I’ll be sure to avoid next time.


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