Presentation Reflection

A really nice reflection of their own processes and the diversity of individual decision making, John, Holly, Thy and Dean provided us with a thoughtful presentation of their work developed out of the Constantine script. This group opted for a change in content and a move away from the weekly Esme scripts in the week of Exercise 7. The work produced by this group in exercise 7 was one of my favourite displays that I’ve seen this semester. For this reason, it was very interesting to hear from the group about their thoughts and process behind their creations.

From my initial viewing of their work, I was particularly impressed by the way their project was filmed. So it was no surprise that this group put good thought into their preparation. As explained in their presentation, a shot and camera coverage list was developed within their production schedule. This list was shown in class and was rather detailed. I think this played a great role in the visual display of the script.

Following insight into the approach to this work, the group went in to explain the differences across each member’s edit. These differences were shown in their use of sound, assembly and colour grading. One of the things I noticed while viewing this particular exercise a few weeks ago was the different decisions made in all the edits. From memory this made for an interesting group discussion during that week. Each member’s edit possessed certain qualities which were evident when first viewing. A detailed reflection of pacing and editing style, the group spoke about the difference in each edit. Most of what they shared about the variation of each individual’s editing process, I too noted in my preliminary look at each project. 

John, Holly, Thy and Dean noted that their framing could have been much tighter to avoid empty space. However, I personally liked the amount of surrounding space shown in this piece, because it provided an uneasiness and made the character seem exposed, while in the act of being inconspicuous. The emptiness of space was interpreted by me as being an intentional creative choice which in the display, provided a bit of tension.

While each member of the group displayed different qualities throughout their interpretations, I was particularly drawn to John’s edit as it possessed a certain flow, which I was drawn to the most. However, I loved Holly’s choice of music, which offered her piece a great stylistic flavour that made sense. 

Overall, This group’s presentation was very detailed, insightful, well conducted and offered a nice reflection of some of the notable work seen in this semester.

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