Reflective Post 1

Based on my own perspective gathered over three weeks of participation in this studio, I am able to have a better understanding of what Designing Drama is about. I have really enjoyed the key components explored in this studio so far. The dissection of narrative and performative texts have me further inspect the many variables when it comes to the display and performance of particular texts. Not only have we focussed on performative aspects of on screen drama, we have also been immersed in the ideas of camera coverage and how coverage can aid in the conveyance of story. Being able to view and discuss the way other work has been shot and how camera coverage plays a role in showing on screen drama, I’m always left inspired to try new things when it comes to the production of my own work. In the second class of week 2, I was very intrigued by the way the bar scene in ‘The Fire Within’ was filmed. Though not following conventional 180 degree rules, I still found it a brilliant display of film. I particularly enjoyed seeing how Robin broke the scene down into a set up and shot list with a birds-eye-view of the scene.


Further understanding of camera coverage and all the technical components required for capturing theatrical pieces is something that I really desire to acquire. Already having more experience in the performative and editing side of narrative film production, I’d now like to further develop in other areas, such as camera work. Due to an absence from campus for my entire uni tenure, I have been stuck within the constraints of what technical equipment and personnel was available to me. Hoping we will be able to step foot on campus this semester, I really look forward to being able to have access to equipment and other personnel. This will allow me to really focus on specific technical aspects of capturing moving images. I especially look forward to being present behind the camera, while action is in play and have the freedom of seeing a scene play out in real time.


I have really enjoyed viewing the work of other students and the discussion around our findings. This is something I find rather engaging. Often after viewing the work of other people, I am inspired to try things that I didn’t do in my work. Having conversations around each individual’s perspective is something I really value.

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