Colour Grade


Before colour grade

Horror-like colour grade:

I aimed to present this clip as if is were from a horror scene. By dropping the temperature, increasing the contrast, adding shadow, dropping the whites and increasing the blacks, it gave a sense that this was shot later in the day. I also added a faded film effect to add grittiness.

Dream-like colour grade:

I increased the vibrancy by adding more saturation, boosting the whites and adding more temperature. With those colour grading choices and by adding a harsh vignette, this creates a dream like or flash back effect.

Summer/ Hot weather colour grade:

By increasing the temperature, adding a reddish tint, increasing the highlights and by bringing up the red RGB curves, I was able to make this clip warmer and hopefully present it as if it depicted a hot day


Before colour grade

Vintage colour grade:

As an attempted to try and recreate a vintage film effect with this clip, I slightly increased the temperature and red RGB curves, added a pinkish tint, increased the whites, decreased the blacks and added a faded film effect. I also decreased the vibrancy and increased the saturation and finally sharpened the image slightly to accentuate any naturally occurring grain.

Noir colour grade:

A very questionable attempt to create a noir style colour grade by fully decreasing the saturation to remove all colours, decreasing the whites, slighting increasing the blacks and contrast to make the darker parts richer, increasing the vibrancy to bring more light into the overall picture and finally adding a vignette to add a classic noir like feel.

Cinematic colour grade:

Lowered temperature, slight green tint (matrix inspired), boosting of whites and the decreasing of highlights to create an epic/action-like aesthetic.




Before colour grade

Warm colour grade:

In colour wheels and match tab, I added more orange to the highlights to increase temperature in the clip.

Cool colour grade:

In colour wheels and match tab, I added blues to the highlights and shadows to create a cool and gloomy grade.

Green dull grade:

I was able to create a gritty dull feel, by decreasing the vibrancy and increasing green in the mid-tones In colour wheels and match tab.

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