What I want from this studio, What I think this studio is and My goals and desires


As someone with a strong interest in filmmaking and surrounding topics, the Deliberate Film studio seems a very suitable fit myself. As I have progressed, since starting this degree, I have seen an increase in my knowledge and critical thinking qualities in various areas of this degree. My desire to learn and to build my technical competencies, has seen me move towards the creation of content and visual work. Gravitating towards more hands on learning and visual creation, I have really enjoyed previous studio’s and classes that placed heavy emphasis on the art of filmmaking. Starting in Making Media, then making my way to Reel to Reel, I have managed to develop many of the basic editing skills required to navigate programs such as premiere pro. Following the completion of these classes, I have been reassured that filmmaking is something I have a strong interest in. As someone who is not the most tech-savvy, I find myself being an inefficient worker when creating with editing software. Though many of my previously completed works have been at an adequate level, the ways in which I navigated these projects were inefficient and could have been executed with much wiser approaches. So with this in mind, I chose to be a part of Deliberate Film to gain more knowledge and experience, by learning from class curriculum and fellow students. Surrounding myself with relevant sources allows me to absorb the creative tools and knowledge to become a better filmmaker and visual creator. This studio will assist me in being a better critique of my own work and the work of others. It will also teach me how to assess film through specific lenses, that allow me to unpack and dissect minor details. With basic and more advanced activities, I’ll find that my increased editing efficiency will reflect in later works and assignments. This studio provides motive which in turn provides an opportunity for filmmaking and it’s basic techniques to become second nature. 

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