Egg Hunting – Suggestion from the rough cut

After we showed our rough cut in class, there are several suggestion that we got from Rohan. In one of the indoor shot, we had a long vision shot, Rohan wanted if we could add more close up shot during that footage. So we recreated some of the scene, such as the massy table, put these footage in there, without any notice that it was different time of shooting. But we could not get the close up on singers’s face, because one of the member is already flew back to China. I really liked the idea of giving more detail shots in this picture, in this way it will make the frame look more diverse and richer. The second suggestion is that during the shot we kind added a little bit of story in the middle of the video try to show the Leo’s character in there, as an audience, it can not be known by what was going on between Leo and the guy that Leo was hitting at. So we should add a little piece of what was happened before to make that scene more reasonable.


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