Week#3 Lectorial

In today’s Lecture, we talked about the copyright. It is important to know the ownership if you want to use someone’s stuff into your video. Here is some notes that I took form the Lecture.

Copy right

-copy right is automatic

-no requirement to add C symbol

– no registration requirements in Australia

– It’s law-commonwealth law

– ideas

Right of owner ship

–          Creator/author first owner


  • Employer ownership
  • Contract assignment/licence

–          Exception in law

Literary, dramatic, artistic

Rights-original works

  • Reproduce the work
  • Publish the work
  • Communicate (on line )the work
  • Perform the work
  • Make an adaption of the work

o   Undertake any of the above acts in relation to an adaption of a work – derivative work

Sound recording, cinematographic, tv

Moral Rights

Applies to all copyright works


Integrity-honour and reputation

Right of attribution

Right of false attribution

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