Week#6 Lectorial Reflection

In this week’s lectorial class, we had a gust to talk about how to use the RMIT library search engine to find the good resource that we need for finishing our assignments. It is really important for us, especially when we need many references for our annotated bibliography other type of the research paper. It can be really helpful if we have the good ability to get ground the library search system. After that, Rachel talked about the importance of knowing how to work as a group. When we are working as a group, we should be more innovative, consistent, punctual and respectful. If there is a conflict going on, we should have a peaceful conversation, just to know what’s the real problem is, we can list the pros and cons for two different opinions, and compare to see and find out which one is more suitable for the group project.

Week#7 Tutorial Reflection


In this week’s tutorial class, Brain showed everyone’s project brief 3 to the whole class. Then we divided into groups to discuss and give each other feedback. For the feedback critter, we used four different colours to describe the pros and cons of the project brief 3: Yellow – positive, optimistic something that works well. Red – initial feeling/ gut reaction. Black – something that doesn’t work. Green – alterative/ creative ideas spared by the work. For my project brief feedback, most people say it is a really funny video, the relaxed and happy environment was what I try to achieve as well, seems it works very well on this part. There was some editing mistakes that I made, I did not realized the subtitles on the video sometimes did not show all on the screen, so they only can read a part of it. This part is what I need to improve with my editing skills.

Week#7 Lectorial Reflection

In this week’s lecture, focused on “text”, where does the textual analysis tradition come from? There are two basic concerns: effects tradition in communication studies and post WW2/mid-20th century turn against a particular idea of culture. What is a “text”? Texts are the material traces that are left of the practice of sense making – the only empirical evidence we have of how other people make sense of the world. Texts are vehicles for the production of cultural meaning (sign systems), texts in media, communications and cultural studies include cultural products, images, policy documents, social practices, institutions… sites where we can the social. Affordance, different modes allows to you do different kinds of things, and not only allow you to do different kinds of things, but insist that different things we done. Soundscape, it is a representation of a place or an environment that can be heard than what can be seen. An environment of sound (sonic environment) with emphasis on the way it is perceived and understood by the individual, or by a society. It thus depends on the relationship between the individual and any such environment.

Week#8 Tutorial Reflection

This Week’s tutorial class, we started our project brief 4, our group topic is about technology. We finished our collaborative contract basically on the project statement, group goals, group governance and dispute resolution procedures. We both find the common time and we want to have more conversation about this group project, to talk about more ideas and share some good thoughts of each area of this project. It is really important to us have a good way to work together as a whole. This is our first group project brief, but we have the confidence that we can be success.


Week#8 Lectorial Reflection

In this week’s lecture, tutor talks about the narrative forms, and its relationship with the media. Everything is story/ story is everything. And the character development, including plot, resolution, take time. What is the difference between narrative and non-narrative? A narrative (or story) is any report of connected events, actual or imaginary, presented in a sequence of written or spoken words, and/or in a sequence of moving pictures. Non narrative does not contain these characteristics. There isn’t really a plot at any stage. Not necessary need any connection between the shots. The people are more like pros rather than characters.

Week#9 Self Reflection

Through several lectorial studies, I feel pretty stressful about the lecture. It is really hard for me to catch every single word of what the tutor trying to say. So I talked to one of my Chinese classmate, she felt the same way. We decided to talk to our tutor and ask for some help. So we emailed Rachel, and had an conversation with her, she said some encourage words and gave us some advice like go to join some clubs that relates our major also can make local friends, that way we could have more chance to speak and practice our English. And maybe we can sit near to the tutor during the class period. It will be easier for us to understand the lecture.

Week#9 Tutorial Reflection

In this week’s tutorial class, we had the discussion with our group people of project brief 4. Since our topic is technology, we did our annotated bibliography on that, and I coved the part evolution of the technology basically about the relationship with social media. One of my references is called “The Facebook Effect”, it talks about the founder of the Facebook – Mark Zuckerberg, and his work team. The author had an interview with the people who associated with the Facebook company, including the founder, investor, employee… he discovered the process of how this young guy made a small group into now the most influential social media company. My group also discussed the video shotting ideas, we decided to make a video for project brief 4.

Week 9 Loctorial Reflection:


In this week’s class, Brain talks about the ideas of “mass culture” & “mass audiences”. The relationship between the audiences and the advertisers, commercial broadcasters, cable networks etc. Including the production houses and individual program makers, government policy makers, social scientist… Also the changing conceptions of audiences/consumers. There are in fact no masses; there are only ways of seeing people as masses… a way of seeing people which has become characteristic of our kind of society… a way of seeing that has been capitalized for the purposes of cultural or political exploitation. – R. Williams     The taste, our daily lives conspire against us. We live in a tasteful world. We are surrounded by people of taste.