Reflection (week 10 – week 12)

Reflection (week 10 – week 12)


Finally, the final week is coming, we finished preparation of our film festival and going to have our first film festival, I’m so exciting when I just type this down. It was not easy to organizing this event, but it definitely an incredible memory and experience for me and all people who contributed to this festival preparation.


Until now, design section made a great booklet and we printed them out, several trailers have also uploaded on YouTube, the tickets are on sale, everything seems going properly and certainly, but only we know how hard and how much effort we made behind these ‘certain’. In these final weeks, I strongly feel the strength of a team, we all have our own things in charge of, but all of us work hard and made our own work perfect, which is a extradentary collaboration.


Since this is the first film festival, and we all are no-experienced, there is a cruel but real trouble, that there are just few tickets been sold. So, I tried to post some of our progress and the film list on Chinese social apps and my own Instagram account. Also, I tried to send out the festival booklet on street, but the result was not good, probably because people instinctively reject the leaflet on street. The reaction of social apps advertising was good, many of my friends shows their interests of the indie films and how we organize a film festival.


This is definitely a special and unforgettable experience, now I know how to organize a film festival, how important of teamwork, this course give me more than I can imagine.

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