Set report

I have been recording our music video production in the past several posts throughout the course and it is time for me to make a conclusion about  it.

Idea production :

This is my favourite part during the process of making music video.  I enjoyed coming up a lot  of different ideas for our music video and sharing them with my group members.  At the sametime, we were all wiling  to communicate with each other about our various of ideas.  When we first time listened to this song.  Some words jumped into our brain, such as youth, colorful, freedom, exciting and so on.  We all agreed with these words.

Since we all considered that these words can represent our song,  we decided to make our music video in the style of young, freely, colorfully and exciting.  The most important thing of this part aimed at that making the music video match the song and make the song much more attrctive.  So after several days’ discussion, we want to make a non-narrotive music video with few narrotive scenes which just occupied only three or two seconds interspersing in it.  Some ideas I think is good.

As  it shown under:

  1.  making the same people communicate with himself,

2. Some one hold one light and we can change the color of the light so that we can make the scene much more interesting

3.  On the Horsier lane, letting the characters sang in their freestyle

4. We want to use some lights to make the shadow have different colors at the sametime

There are only some of our ideas, we also want to make the backgroud a little different from other normal music video.

The final location that we decided is the Hoursier lane, an apartment, RMIT barsketball cournt and so on.  We also buy some props to set the backgroud, such as poker, fancy sunglasses, colorful scarves and so on.

The first time for shooting

Our first time of shooting took place is on the Horsier Lane and in the apartment.  We arrived on the Housier lane at 6 p.m. and there were still many people so that we tried to find a lane that there are fewer people.  On the day, Kenneth and I worked with the camera, Zoe worked for the lighting and Sherry do both shooting and lighting in the turn with Zoe.  Although, it is the first time for us to shoot a music video,  we still tried our best to deal with them.  We finish this scene at about 9 p.m. and we started shooting in the apartment at 10p.m.. In the apartment, we found a interesting way to use the light make the shadow much more colorful.

The second time for shooting

We shot one characters dancing on the RMIT basketball cournt and the other character in a unknown lane to use the colorful light to make him look cool.  At the sametime, we shoot some B-roll near the Yarra river for our music video.


It is almost cost us two weeks for editing.  Four of us are all newbies to editing, so we decided to work together.  During the process, we meet a lot of problems, but we solve them one by one through watching the tutorial on the Youtube when we editing our music video.  I must admit the process is very chanlleged for us but we made it.  I really pride of ourselves and love the final music video.

In conclusion, this course makes me learn many things that I did not get in tough with before.  I believe that I can be better in the future course.  See you Egg hunting haha.

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