week 4

In this week’s study, we start to learn about how many people does it take to organise a festival and what do those people do. First of all, production manager is an important role in organising a festival. Production decides the look of the festival and arrange everything about the festival. Also, the technical coordinator or the PR and graphic design people are also needed. Before the actual work, we need plan and prepare a lot of things, such as manpower, materials, and money and so on. As the permission of some special venues, the term of capacity and convenience must be considered. A lot of questions should be asked ourselves before organising the festival. After the classmates’ discussion, the most important thing of organising a festival is budget and resource.

This week, the Melbourne International Youth Film Festival has gone live, and we are now accepting submissions for the 1st official Melbourne International Youth Film Festival! We decided the topic and goal of our film festival. The main objective of this campaign is to educate the people about MIYFF and attract a larger audience to the event, as well as to get young filmmakers to submit their work. Raise awareness, increase attendance, get submissions. In our festival’s plan, because we designed our festival logo by ourselves, so there is no budget on the part of graphic design. On the same time, we can do the trailer by ourselves too. So the budget of this can be saved. We have a operation sheet and it shows that the position of everyone in our team. Furthermore, what things have been done or not can be seen on it as well. I’m learning a lot more than I thought I would. It has been a hugely beneficial process for me. I am looking forward to exploring the next step of our festival.

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