A1 – The Scene In Cinema 2021 Reflective Writing 2


During this week’s classes, we talk about camera and lens. We also saw some clips of single shots in the classes.

In the classes, we focus on the focus length. Before we start we did an experience of pinhole images. the image is upside down after it goes through a pinhole. This is the physical principle of the lens. Everything that relates to the camera lens is built by the derivative of this principle.  Later on, we talked about the difference between lens angles.  The focal length is showing by millimeters. A wide-angle lens always has a smaller number. opposite, the long lens always has a larger number.  A wide angle lens is able to catch more information than a long lens. A wide-angle lens always uses for setting up shots. It can bring the audience a view of the overall environment.  on the other hand, Long focus length is able to create beauty out of focus. The long lens is also capable of compressing the object in the frame. The looks that a long lens create are able to attract an audience to the character.

We also watch some single-shot clips and analyst the use of the focal length. Those shots are shot by different focal length lenses in different locations. Each of the use of the camera lens has its own purpose in the clip. the choice of the focal length is around the development of the scence or how the character needs to be present in the shots. Also, the size of the camera sensor is an element to consider during the choice of the lens. smaller the sensor size needs a smaller focal length to ahieve the same looks compare with a large sensor.

Furthermore, we discover that the camera needs to use the pan and till while the character is moving during the acting. The character should catch in the frame anytime.

Base on the learning of this week, I have a clear understanding of the difference between the camera sensor and focus lens. I also have a mind on how should I choose the lens in the future.

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