Mini-Research Projects – Proposed Drama

Project 1

The idea I proposed for a project about the sociopath manipulating the naïve pop-star is based on a dream I had which followed a similar path, only without the violent sociopath, which I found to be a more entertaining concept. I had just watched one of my favourite movies, True Romance the night before writing this concept out in class. I feel that True Romance heavily influences this concept in many ways. Perhaps too much, I’m not sure. However I feel this is a strong concept and could definitely stand alone as a short piece. This is due to the fast moving nature of the plot, much like in True Romance; Clarence and Alabama fell in love in what seemed like 2 minutes of screen time. I feel my concept could be presented in a fairly compact time frame without feeling like too much information or events are crammed in or rushed through. I actually believe it would be more suited to a short format due to these reasons.

Project 2

A possible location to shoot the majority of this concept at would be my close friends beach house in Phillip Island. The house is twenty meters from the beach with only sand and bushes between them and the interior of the house is spacious, offering many cinematic possibilities, as well as aesthetically appealing. I feel this would be an effective location as the beach is clean and rarely busy with many caves, cliffs and alcoves within reach, meaning many cinematic possibilities. The location is privately owned meaning no permits or bureaucratic procedures would need to take place in order to be able to shoot there. The house is in a very quiet area and has a sense of relative isolation; I feel this aspect would be greatly appreciated by the concept. If I were to shoot at this location it would require a large amount of precision and detail to ensure that all footage that is required is shot, and shot right. This is due to the distance of the location being over an hours drive away, making reshoots a hassle to say the least.

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